Cecily Von ziegesar
Issue de la jeunesse dorée new-yorkaise, Merritt, 16 ans, a tout ce qu'elle veut, tout de suite.
Sauf ses examens...
Pour la remettre sur le droit chemin, ses parents l'envoient dans un centre équestre spécialisé pour adolescentes tourmentées.
Là-bas, elle fait la connaissance de Red, un cheval aussi rebelle qu'elle, et de l'insaisissable Béatrice.
Ces deux rencontres vont faire basculer sa vie.
Mais pas forcément dans le sens qu'espéraient ses parents...
Car Merritt est comme Red : indomptable.
Le nouveau roman de l'auteure du phénomène Gossip Girl " Dépassé Black Beauty ! Cecily von Ziegesar modernise le roman équestre traditionnel en portant un nouveau regard sur un monde élitiste et tumultueux. Le lien entre Merritt et Red est aussi fort qu'ensorcelant. J'ai dévoré ce livre jusqu'à la dernière page. " Sara Shepard, auteure du best-seller international Pretty Little Liars (Les Menteuses). -
Jenny was totally enjoying the attention of the three hottest guys on campus. But she's ecstatic now that she's bagged arty Easy Walsh as her boyfriend. Unfortunately he used to belong to someone else...Jenny's roommate: gorgeous, popular Callie Vernon. It doesn't take long for Tinsley to use this to her advantage and soon the girls are split across enemy lines. But all's fair in love and war, and Tinsley better hope that the one secret she's managed to keep hidden for years doesn't get revealed... Who knew boarding school could be this good?
Jenny Humphrey has left her Manhattan school to attend elite Waverly Academy in New York horse country where glamorous rich kids don't let the rules get in the way of an excellent time. She will do anything to become The It Girl, and rooming with the two most popular girls in school, Callie Vernon and Brett Messerschmidt, it finally seems to be happening. But when notorious Tinsley Carmichael returns to find Jenny with her old friends and in her old bed, she's determined not to let Jenny get all the attention... Is Waverly big enough for Jenny, Callie, Brett and Tinsley? They're all beautiful, captivating, and a little bit crazy... but there can be only one It Girl.
Welcome to the high life... Owen, Avery and Baby Carlyle have just moved into a notorious Upper East Side penthouse (if only the walls could talk...!) and they're about to take the city by storm with their decadent behaviour. Manhattan's resident pretty young things better keep a close eye on their assets or hearts will get broken.
Gossip Girl ; Tome 5: I Will Always Love You
Cecily Von Ziegesar
- Headline
- 21 Juin 2012
- 9780755393770
Nate, Dan, Chuck, Serena, and Blair are back from college for a holiday break in the city. Has college changed anyone? What kind of hookups and breakups were going on while our favorite BFFs were apart...and what will happen now that they're together again in the city that never sleeps? Not to fear, Gossip Girl will be there to dish all.
The fourth book in the deliciously naughty GOSSIP GIRL THE CARLYLES series. Serena, Nate and Blair kept us all entertained with their less than pure behaviour but Gossip Girl was the true star of the show and now she's back with all the juicy secrets about the scandalous behaviour of Manhattan new comers Owen, Avery and Baby Carlyle. The triplets may be from small town Nantucket but they're taking full advantage of the opportunities the big city has to offer...
The seventh fabulous novel in the New York Times bestselling IT GIRL series. Jenny Humphrey has survived the trial of the barn fire with only a few scratches, and has actually managed to make allies of the notorious Tinsley Carmichael and Callie Vernon in the process. Easy Walsh has been kicked out of Waverly once and for all, and Callie is struggling to keep it together in her love's absence. But new friends Jenny and Tinsley have a plan to get her out of her funk: head to NYC over the Thanksgiving holiday for a little rest, relaxation, and pampering. And of course, a whole lot of trouble. But can the alliance between Jenny, Tinsley, and Callie last? They're all beautiful, captivating, and a little crazy... and they all want to be Waverly's It Girl.
Gossip Girl The Carlyles: You Just Can't Get Enough
Cecily Von Ziegesar
- Headline
- 5 Juillet 2012
- 9780755393893
The high-life can be oh so complicated...
The Carlyle triplets are making their mark on the Upper East Side. But not everyone is pleased to hear they're staying: Jack Laurent, who lost her boyfriend to Baby, for one, and how long before Owen's new BFF discovers the real reason he got dumped? With the first benefit party of the year approaching everyone's attention is on who is going with whom. But who will they be going home with? New York may be a big city, but it's one small island... -
Take a Chance on Me ; Gossip Girl The Carlyles: Tome 3
Cecily Von Ziegesar
- Headline
- 5 Juillet 2012
- 9780755393909
The third book in the deliciously scandalous GOSSIP GIRL THE CARLYLES series. Owen, Avery and Baby Carlyle are really finding their feet on the Upper East Side. Owen's secret is out and he and Kelsey can live happily ever after. Can't they? Avery is set to take her place as Queen Bee now she has an internship at Metropolitan magazine. If she could just sort out her love life... And Baby has finally realised that J.P. is just too, well, 'perfect' for her - she wants someone a bit more interesting and surprising. Maybe she needs to look a little further a field... Gossip Girl will keep you informed of all the juicy details - even the ones they don't want you to know!
'Welcome to New York City's Upper East Side, where my friends and I all live in huge, fabulous apartments and go to exclusive single-sex private schools. We aren't always the nicest people in the world, but we make up for it in looks and taste.'
Enter the world of Gossip Girl and the exclusive Manhattan private school Constance Billard, inhabited by the city's most fabulous crowd; a world of jealousy, betrayal and outrageous behaviour! There's a lot more to this story than anyone realises and you might find out just how the legendary GOSSIP GIRL column began... -
The bash at the Miller farm was the hottest party Jenny Humphrey had ever attended. Literally. But when Dean Marymount announces that someone is going to be held responsible, and expelled, for burning down the antique red barn the heat is really on. Tensions are rising, rumours are flying, and pretty soon everyone is a suspect. But was it Julian, Jenny's shaggy-haired new crush, whose engraved Tiffany lighter was found at the scene of the crime? Or could it have been Callie and Easy who were in the barn together when the blaze began? Tinsley knows she's also in the line of fire for organising the party, but luckily she's come up with a crafty way to stay out of trouble: by blaming Jenny.
Jenny Humphrey could have lost everything she'd worked so hard for when the reality show her adoring freshman fans were filming backfired on her in the most publicly humiliating way...but it meant she found out who her friends were - maybe Waverly is big enough for four IT girls?
Jenny Humphrey's time at Waverly Academy has had its ups and downs - from making enemies of the most popular girl at school to stealing her room mate's boyfriend. But now everything has changed - Jenny, Tinsley, Callie and Brett have put their differences behind them to jointly rule over Waverly Academy - but how long can peace last?
It's almost Valentine's Day at Waverly Academy and love is in the air...and in everyone's inboxes. The Waverly Owls are being paired up with their supposed soulmates through an online personality survey - Perfect Match.
Jenny Humphrey is convinced she'll be paired with new boyfriend, Isaac Dresden, until he starts acting strange and she's not sure he's her perfect match after all. Bree Messerschmidt and Tinsley Carmichael aren't really feeling the love either. When Isaac's sister Isla steals Tinsley's thunder - and Brett's boyfriend - the two girls are determined to get revenge. And Callie Vernon is starting to wonder if a girl can have two soulmates. She's in love with both Easy Walsh and Brandon Buchanan. But on February 14th she can only give one of them her heart. -
Plotkara: Wej'scie Carlsów 3: Daj mi szanse
Cecily Von ziegesar
- Saga Egmont
- 9 Novembre 2020
- 9788726535808
Trzecia cze´s´c serii "Plotkara: Wej´scie Carlsów".
Matka trojaczków nieoczekiwanie spotkala bylego ukochanego, co jest duzym zaskoczeniem dla jej córek i syna. Kazde z nich staje tymczasem przed odmiennymi wyzwaniami oraz nadziejami. Owen spotyka sie z Kelsey, do niedawna dziewczyna przyjaciela. Baby, pod gro´zba wydalenia ze szkoly, zostaje skierowana na terapie, a Avery z trudem odnajduje sie na stazu w prestizowej firmie.
Mlodziezowa ksiazka o bardzo zamoznych nastolatkach, którzy potrafia czu´c sie zagubieni oraz nieszcze´sliwi. Zaintrygowani flirtem i romansami poszukuja jednak romantyzmu, a pod pozorami zblazowania skrywaja tesknote za milo´scia. -
Matka Blair jest w zaawansowanej ciazy. Dziewczyna z trudem przystosowuje sie do nowych warunków. Postanawia czasowo zamieszka´c z Serena. Nate spotyka w o´srodku odwykowym Georgie i cho´c dziewczyna musi pozosta´c tam dluzej niz on, a ich spotkania byly bardzo krótkie, postanawiaja zosta´c para. Dan korzysta z uslug agentki, która ma wypromowa´c zarówno jego osobe, jak i twórczo´s´c. W zyciu chlopaka wiele sie zmienia.
Perypetie bogatej mlodziezy z Nowego Jorku relacjonuje tajemnicza osoba o pseudonimie "Plotkara". -
Plotkara: Wej'scie Carlsów 2: Nigdy nie mów do's'c
Cecily Von Ziegesar
- Saga Egmont
- 9 Novembre 2020
- 9788726535815
Druga cze´s´c serii "Plotkara: Wej´scie Carlsów".
Avery zyskuje akceptacje w gronie bogatych rówie´sniczek, czego nie moze wybaczy´c jej Jack, która uwaza, ze traci uznanie kolezanek. Owen wciaz rozmy´sla o Kelsey i trudnych chwilach Rhysa. Baby nadal ma klopoty w szkole. Grozi jej wydalenie, a warunkiem pozostania ma by´c praktyka dziennikarska w szkolnym magazynie.
Mlodziezowa ksiazka o bardzo zamoznych nastolatkach, którzy potrafia czu´c sie zagubieni oraz nieszcze´sliwi. Zaintrygowani flirtem i romansami poszukuja jednak romantyzmu, a pod pozorami zblazowania skrywaja tesknote za milo´scia. -
Blair stara sie o przyjecie do Yale. Chociaz nie wszystko w tej sprawie przebiegalo dotad po jej my´sli, ma nadzieje, ze zrealizuje swoje plany. Serena spotyka sie z Aaronem, przyrodnim bratem Blair, Nate natomiast zako´nczyl zwiazek z Jenny. Vanessa i Dan zaczynaja odnosi´c sukcesy artystyczne.
Perypetie bogatej mlodziezy z Nowego Jorku relacjonuje tajemnicza osoba o pseudonimie "Plotkara". -
Pierwsza cze´s´c serii "Plotkara: Wej´scie Carlsów".
Avery, Baby i Owen maja po szesna´scie lat. Sa trojaczkami i wla´snie przeprowadzili sie wraz z matka z Nantucket do Nowego Jorku. Poczatek roku szkolnego jest dla rodze´nstwa burzliwym czasem. Avery wchodzi w konflikt z jedna z klasowych znajomych, Baby juz pierwszego dnia zaje´c zostaje wezwana do dyrektorki szkoly. Owen teskni za dziewczyna, z która przezyl swój pierwszy raz - Kelsey, tajemnicza nieznajoma, okazuje sie partnerka jego kolegi z druzyny.
Mlodziezowa ksiazka o bardzo zamoznych nastolatkach, którzy potrafia czu´c sie zagubieni oraz nieszcze´sliwi. Zaintrygowani flirtem i romansami poszukuja jednak romantyzmu, a pod pozorami zblazowania skrywaja tesknote za milo´scia. -
Nate porzucil Blair dla Jenny, siostry Dana. Serena znów zyje w zgodzie z dawna przyjaciólka. Czas mlodziezy uplywa na wspólnym imprezowaniu i przygotowaniach do ´swiat, pojawia sie jednak nowe wyzwanie: egzaminy i wybór dalszego kierunku ksztalcenia.
Perypetie bogatej mlodziezy z Nowego Jorku relacjonuje tajemnicza osoba o pseudonimie "Plotkara". -
Blair ma nowego chlopaka. Pete przedstawia ja swojej rodzinie, która przyjela dziewczyne cieplo, nie zaproszono jej jednak na wspólne wakacje. Blair decyduje sie zatem przyjecha´c do Sereny. Maja zamiar spotka´c sie ze starymi znajomymi. Nate, wraz z dawnym mentorem ojca, odbywa wielomiesieczny rejs. Po jego zako´nczeniu chlopak czuje, ze dojrzal i bedzie mógl dokona´c wyboru miedzy Serena a Blair. Tymczasem Dan znów marzy o Vanessie.
Perypetie bogatej mlodziezy z Nowego Jorku relacjonuje tajemnicza osoba o pseudonimie "Plotkara". -
Relacje miedzy Blair a Serena nie poprawily sie. Nate wciaz czeka az jego dziewczyna okaze mu wiecej czulo´sci. Matka Blair oznajmia jej, ze wkrótce ma zamiar po´slubi´c nielubianego przez dziewczyne mezczyzne. Dan wreszcie doczekal sie mozliwo´sci spotkania Sereny.
Perypetie bogatej mlodziezy z Nowego Jorku relacjonuje tajemnicza osoba o pseudonimie "Plotkara". -
Nate i Blair sa znowu para, z czym po raz kolejny nie moze pogodzi´c sie Serena. Dobry nastrój Blair pryska, gdy dziewczyna dowiaduje sie, ze jej matka planuje wyprowadzke do Los Angeles. Dan nie jest pewien swojej orientacji seksualnej, a twierdzenie, iz moze by´c gejem okazuje sie fascynujace dla jego matki. Nate nie pojedzie do Yale. Ma powtórzy´c ostatni rok nauki w szkole ´sredniej.
Perypetie bogatej mlodziezy z Nowego Jorku relacjonuje tajemnicza osoba o pseudonimie "Plotkara". -
Serena i Blair odpoczywaja w East Hampton. Spotykaja tu dawnego przyjaciela - Nate przymusowo pracuje w domu swojego trenera, gdzie próbuje go uwie´s´c zona mezczyzny. Vanessa stracila prace operatorki przy filmie i zaangazowala sie do pracy w charakterze niani kilkuletnich bli´zniaków.
Perypetie bogatej mlodziezy z Nowego Jorku relacjonuje tajemnicza osoba o pseudonimie "Plotkara".