John Williams
37 produits trouvés
Né pauvre dans une ferme du Missouri en 1891, le jeune William Stoner est envoyé à l'université par son père - et au prix de quels sacrifices -, pour y étudier l'agronomie. Délaissant peu à peu ses cours de traitement des sols, ce garçon solitaire découvre les auteurs, la poésie et le monde de l'esprit.
ebook (ePub) 12.49 €Dans les années 1870, persuadé que seul un rapprochement avec la nature peut donner un sens à sa vie, le jeune Will décide de quitter le confort d'Harvard pour tenter la grande aventure dans l'Ouest sauvage. Parvenu à Butcher's Crossing, une bourgade du Kansas, il se lie d'amitié avec un chasseur qui lui confie son secret: il est le seul à savoir où se trouve un des derniers troupeaux de bisons, caché dans une vallée inexplorée des montagnes du Colorado. Will accepte de participer à l'expédition, convaincu de toucher au but de sa quête. Le lent voyage, semé d'embûches, est éprouvant et périlleux mais la vallée ressemble effectivement à un paradis plein de promesses. Originaire du Texas, John Williams (1922-1994) est l'auteur de deux recueils de poésie et de trois romans fascinants : Butcher's Crossing, Stoner et Augustus, couronné du National Book Award. Tombée dans l'oubli pendant presque quarante ans, son oeuvre romanesque a été redécouverte dans les années 2000 grâce à la New York Review of Books aux États-Unis et à Anna Gavalda en France. Depuis, Butcher's Crossing a été traduit dans une quinzaine de langues.
ebook (ePub) 12.99 €Octave est âgé de dix-huit ans lorsque son grand-oncle Jules César, qui vient de le désigner comme son fils adoptif, est assassiné. Il se retrouve immédiatement au centre des pires intrigues et devient l'objet de tous les complots fomentés par ses rivaux avides de pouvoir - Cicéron, Brutus, Cassius et Marc Antoine. Le jeune Octave n'a d'autre choix que de les combattre les uns après les autres pour tenir son rang dans le jeu complexe des machinations politiques de la République avant de devenir le premier empereur romain. Pour raconter cette passionnante période de l'histoire romaine, John Williams a choisi la forme du roman épistolaire en imaginant une passionnante correspondance entre les différents protagonistes, agrémentée de fragments de mémoires et d'extraits de décrets.
Originaire du Texas, John Williams (1922-1994) est l'auteur de deux recueils de poésie et de trois romans fascinants : Butcher's Crossing en 1960 (Piranha, 2016), Stoner (Le Dilettante, 2011) en 1965 et Augustus en 1972, couronné du National Book Award. Quelque peu oubliée dans les années 1990, son oeuvre romanesque a été redécouverte dans les années 2000 d'abord aux États-Unis grâce à la New York Review of Books avant de connaître un immense succès mondial.ebook (ePub) 15.99 €Martin Heidegger's Philosophy of Religion
John Williams
- Wilfrid Laurier University Press
- SR Supplements
- 30 Octobre 2010
- 9781554588213
Following a critical review of previous theological scholarship on Heidegger and a survey of North American philosophy of religion, the book examines Heidegger's philosophy of religion and its influence on the North American variety of the same.
ebook (ePub) 26.99 €Suicide squad rebirth Tome 2 : sains d'esprit
Rob Williams, John Ostrander, Jim Lee, Gus Vasquez
- Urban Comics
- DC Rebirth
- 11 Avril 2022
- 9791026847564
Les énergies de la Chambre Noire se dispersent à travers l'enceinte du pénitencier de Belle Reve, provoquant une hystérie collective parmi les prisonniers et les membres de la Suicide Squad. Dans le chaos total, seule Harley Quinn semble avoir retrouvé un certain équilibre mental... Contient Suicide Squad #5-8 + Suicide Squad War Crimes #1
ebook (ePub 3 Fixed Layout) 7.99 €Suicide squad rebirth Tome 3 : incendies
Williams, Eddy Barrows, John Romita Jr
- Urban Comics
- DC Rebirth
- 11 Avril 2022
- 9791026847595
Après leur lutte contre la Ligue de Justice, la Suicide Squad doit désormais protéger Amanda Waller des manigances d'un ancien collaborateur, Rustam. Ce dernier lance une attaque de grande ampleur contre la prison de Belle Reve libérant les super-vilains enfermés. La tension déjà palpable monte d'un cran lorsqu'on découvre un traître au sein même de la Suicide Squad. Contient Suicide Squad #11-15
ebook (ePub 3 Fixed Layout) 6.99 €Suicide squad rebirth Tome 4 : terre brûlée
Rob Williams, Eddy Barrows, John Romita Jr
- Urban Comics
- DC Rebirth
- 6 Juin 2022
- 9791026850113
Les plans d'Amanda Waller pour la Suicide Squad ont toujours été des plus complexes, mais intégrer l'immensément puissant Général Zod dans l'équipe pourrait bien menacer l'existence même du groupe. Afin de le contrôler, Waller envoie la Squad dérober à Lex Luthor le seul élément au monde capable de le maîtriser : la Kryptonite ! Suicide Squad #16-21
ebook (ePub 3 Fixed Layout) 6.99 €La thérapie cognitive basée sur la pleine conscience pour la dépression ; prévenir la rechute
Zindel victor Segal, Mark g. Williams, John d. Teasdale
- De Boeck Supérieur
- Carrefour des psychothérapies
- 26 Février 2019
- 9782807326712
"Le manuel le plus précis et détaillé pour utiliser la Mindfulness avec les patients dépressifs." - Christophe André
En France, l'Agence nationale de santé publique estime à près de 9 millions les personnes qui ont vécu ou vivront une dépression au cours de leur vie, soit une personne sur sept.
Dans 50 à 80 % des cas, un premier épisode dépressif sera suivi d'une rechute. Pourtant, face à ce qui semble une fatalité, les programmes basés sur la pleine conscience ont fait preuve d'une efficacité prouvée par la recherche.
Cliniciens reconnus, méditants expérimentés et chercheurs de premier plan, Z. Segal, M. Williams et J. Teasdale ont conçu un programme en huit séances, éprouvé scientifiquement, qui intègre la pleine conscience à l'approche cognitive (MBCT).
La personne dépressive apprend, à travers de nombreux exercices, à changer sa relation aux pensées, sentiments et sensations corporelles et à éviter la spirale qui la fera retomber dans la dépression.
Destiné à tous les psychothérapeutes et professionnels de la santé mentale confrontés à la rechute dépressive, ce manuel, première étape dans leur parcours de formation à la MBCT, décrit les bases théoriques de la thérapie cognitive basée sur la pleine conscience et propose un descriptif de chaque séance du programme enrichi de plus de 10 années d'expérience.
Riche de nombreux témoignages, fiches techniques et documents de travail pour instructeurs et participants, voici un incontournable du domaine thérapeutique, un outil pour soulager bien des souffrances...ebook (ePub) 29.99 €Méditer pour ne plus déprimer ; la pleine conscience, une méthode pour vivre mieux
Mark Williams, John Teasdale, Zindel Segal, Jon Kabat-Zinn
- Odile Jacob
- 4 Août 2020
- 9782738153944
Le livre que vous tenez entre les mains est consacré aux techniques de méditation en pleine conscience. Associant tradition orientale et thérapie cognitive, ces techniques, scientifiquement validées, ont fait la preuve de leur efficacité. Non seulement elles aident à guérir et à prévenir la maladie dépressive, mais elles permettent, pratiquées régulièrement, de retrouver le goût simple de la vie. Lisez, pratiquez et jugez par vous-même ! « Ce guide lucide, à la fois rigoureux dans sa démarche scientifique et éclairant dans son approche pratique, offre une planche de salut pour retrouver la liberté intérieure, la joie de vivre et l'ouverture au monde, et pour éviter de sombrer à nouveau dans un gouffre sans lumière. » Matthieu Ricard. « Révolutionnaire... Un guide vraiment utile pour atteindre l'équilibre émotionnel. » Daniel Goleman, auteur de L'Intelligence émotionnelle. Mark Williams est professeur de psychologie clinique à l'Université d'Oxford en Grande-Bretagne. John Teasdale, chercheur, travaille au département de psychiatrie de l'Université d'Oxford et à l'unité de neurosciences de l'Université de Cambridge, en Grande-Bretagne. Zindel Segal, psychothérapeute, dirige l'unité de thérapie cognitivo-comportementale au centre Addiction et Santé mentale de Toronto, au Canada. Jon Kabat-Zinn est professeur émérite de médecine à l'Université du Massachusetts, aux États-Unis.
ebook (ePub) 17.99 €Disaster Victim Identification in the 21st Century
John A. Williams, Victor W. Weedn
- Wiley
- 14 Avril 2022
- 9781119652793
A comprehensive examination of all critical aspects of Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) As the frequency of both natural and man-made mass fatality disasters increases worldwide, the establishment of clear standards and best practices within the field of Disaster Victim identification (DVI) is of vital importance. Whereas most countries assign jurisdiction to law enforcement agencies following Interpol guidelines, DVI is the responsibility of the medical examiner and coroner in the United States. Disaster Victim Identification in the 21st Century is the first book of its kind to directly address the needs of DVI practitioners in the United States, covering the full spectrum of DVI from traditional methods such as fingerprints, odontology, and anthropology to advanced DNA identification technology. Approaching DVI from three perspectives-academic, government, and private industry-this comprehensive volume examines the history and current state of the discipline, the ongoing formation of national standards, the various methods of human identification, and the key challenges and future of DVI. In-depth chapters are written by leaders in the field with personal experience in human identification and mass fatality events. Provides practitioners with practical guidance on planning and taking part in DVI based on current national standards and best practices Discusses continued improvement in both traditional and emerging DVI methods Includes non-region-specific case studies and recommendations that can be easily adapted for international use Examines ethical and legal considerations in DVI, including suggestions for standardizing the victim identification process Describes the critical role of the Victim Information Center (VIC) in providing the comparative information required to go beyond presumptive identifications Part of the American Association for Forensic Sciences (AAFS) series, Disaster Victim Identification in the 21st Century: A US Perspective is an indispensable resource for forensic scientists, disaster planners, policymakers, medical examiners and coroners, law enforcement and emergency personnel, and upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in forensic sciences and emergency management.
ebook (ePub) 138.15 €Geographical Education in a Changing World
Michael Williams, John Lidstone
- Springer
- 19 Juillet 2006
- 9781402048074
A central theme of this book is the location of geography in school curricula with particular reference to centrality and marginality. A second theme relates to the subject status of geography. A third theme relates to the spirit and purpose of school geography and the traditions that underpin the subject and how these are changing. A fourth theme relates to the way geography is being seen by curriculum planners as contributing to the achievement of governmental aims for society in general. A fifth theme concerns the human and material resources infrastructure. Finally, what of the future?
The underpinning assumption is that experiences gained in one country will be of real interest to educators in another. The book is part of the work of the Commission on Geographical Education of the International Geographical Union. Part 1, written in a global context, focuses on the distinctive traditions of school geography. Part 2 reviews the contemporary state of school geography ona broad continental basis with each chapter including national case studies, written by experts drawn from those countries. The final parts comprises chapters that extrapolate from the present and point to likely future developments in the subject, again with examples drawn from various countries.ebook (pdf) 147.69 €The Legal Technology Guidebook
Peter Mccann, Kimberly Williams, John M. Facciola, Vincent M. Catanzaro
- Springer
- 16 Mai 2017
- 9783319545233
This book explores the transformational impact of new technological developments on legal practice. More specifically, it addresses knowledge management, communication, and e-discovery related technologies, and helps readers develop the project management and data analysis skills needed to effectively navigate the current, and future, landscapes. It studies the impact of current trends on business practices, as well as the ethical, procedural, and evidentiary concerns involved. Introducing novel interactive technologies as well as traditional content, the book reflects expertise from across the legal industry, including practitioners, the bench, academia, and legal technology consultants. All of the contributing authors currently teach aspiring lawyers and/or paralegals and have identified a gap in the available instructional material.
Rapid technology advances have radically changed the way we all live and work, and the legal profession is by no means exempt from the impact of these changes. In order to better assist their clients, and to better compete on the legal market, it is imperative for lawyers to understand the ethical, functional, and business consequences of new technologies on their respective practices. This book provides the necessary content by including legal technology texts, information about novel pedagogical technologies, helpful tools for managing legal technologies and IT staff, statistical methods, tips and checklists.
ebook (ePub) 52.74 €Contemporary Research in Technology Education
David Barlex, P John Williams
- Springer
- 25 Novembre 2016
- 9789811028199
This book provides an overview of contemporary postgraduate research in Technology Education, bringing recent research on technology education to the attention of teachers so that they can use the findings to inform their practice, while also informing the education research community about studies being carried out in the field of Technology Education.
The book brings together significant international research on Technology Education by focusing on contemporary PhD theses. While the conceptual underpinnings of each research project are explained, the focus is on elaborating the findings in ways that are relevant for practitioners. The book features contributions from doctoral students who completed their research in 2013. Each chapter employs a similar structure, with a focus on what the research means for classroom teachers. The book offers a valuable resource for researchers, teachers and potential researchers, with suggestions for further study. Eachchapter also includes references to the digital edition of the respective full thesis, allowing readers to consult the research in detail if necessary.ebook (ePub) 116.04 €The University in its Place
John Brennan, Allan Cochrane, Yann Lebeau, Ruth Williams
- Springer
- 27 Février 2018
- 9789402412963
This book sets out to understand the significance of geographical context - place - for universities in the globalised setting of the twenty-first century. It examines their social impact on the regions in which they are situated, both from the perspectives of the universities themselves and from the perspectives of a range of different local and regional interest groups. It draws on a national study in the UK which has examined the role played by universities in four contrasting regional contexts. This UK study will be set within the larger theoretical and international literature on the role played by universities in processes of social change and transformation. An important theme of the book is the effects of university activities on various socially disadvantaged groups and consideration is given to whether there are `winners' and `losers' arising from the activities and interventions of universities. The book distinguishes between `discourses', `activities' and their `impacts'in considering the role of universities and emphasises the importance of history and context as important mediators of national and institutional policies. It examines some of the key partnerships which universities enter into within their regions and considers some of the factors which determine the nature of these partnerships. Implications are drawn out for university leaderships and for regional and national policy bodies.
The book provides empirical evidence in a field marked by a considerable amount of rhetoric from interested parties. One of the book's conclusions is that there is considerable diversity among higher education institutions in how they perform a regional role, but it is a significant question for each of them. Institutional variation and regional setting come together to shape what is achievable.ebook (pdf) 94.94 €Enhanced Surface Imaging of Crustal Deformation
A. John Haines, Lada L. Dimitrova, Laura M. Wallace, Charles A. Williams
- Springer
- 11 Août 2015
- 9783319215785
This book takes an in depth look at a novel methodology for analyzing Global Positioning System (GPS) data to obtain the highest possible resolution surface imaging of tectonic deformation sources without prescribing the nature of either the sources or the subsurface medium. GPS methods are widely used to track the surface expression of crustal deformation at tectonic plate boundaries, and are typically expressed in terms of velocity fields or strain rate fields. Vertical derivatives of horizontal stress (VDoHS) rates at the Earth's surface can also be derived from GPS velocities, and VDoHS rates provide much higher resolution information about subsurface deformation sources than velocities or strain rates. In particular, VDoHS rates allow for high precision estimates of fault dips, slip rates and locking depths, as well as objective characterization of previously unknown (or hidden) tectonic deformation zones.
ebook (ePub) 52.74 €Critique in Design and Technology Education
Kay Stables, P John Williams
- Springer
- 21 Février 2017
- 9789811031069
This book addresses notions of critique in Design and Technology Education, facilitating a conceptual and practical understanding of critique, and enabling both a personal and pedagogical application to practice.
Critique can be a frame of mind, and may be related to a technology, product, process or material. In a holistic sense, critique is an element of a person's technological literacy, a fundamentally critical disposition brought to bear on all things technological. This book provides a reasoned conceptual framework within which to develop critique, and examples of applying the framework to Design and Technology Education. The book builds on The Future of Technology Education published by Springer as the first in the series Contemporary Issues in Technology Education.
In the 21st century, an `age of knowledge', students are called upon to access, analyse and evaluate constantly changing information to support personal and workplace decision making and on-going innovation. A critical Design and Technology Education has an important role to play, providing students with opportunities to integrate economic, environmental, social and technological worlds as they develop and refine their technological literacy. Through the design and development of technology, they collaborate, evaluate and critically apply information, developing cognitive and manipulative skills appropriate to the 21st century. Critique goes beyond review or analysis, addressing positive and negative technological development. This book discusses and applies this deeper perspective, identifying a clear role for critique in the context of Design and Technology Education.
ebook (ePub) 158.24 €Forensic Science Education and Training
Anna Williams, John Paul Cassella, Peter D. Maskell
- Wiley
- 12 Avril 2017
- 9781118689158
A comprehensive and innovative guide to teaching, learning and assessment in forensic science education and practitioner training Includes student exercises for mock crime scene and disaster scenarios Addresses innovative teaching methods including apps and e-gaming Discusses existing and proposed teaching methods
ebook (ePub) 102.28 €A proven, strategic plan to help your nonprofit emerge from the 2008-2009 economic storm Utilizing the extensive expertise of leading fundraising consulting firm Skystone Ryan's executive leadership team and managing consultants to explore and illuminate the most timely issues facing the philanthropic community, Building Strong Nonprofits: New Strategies for Growth and Sustainability identifies new opportunities to define the future of philanthropy. Includes notable contributors from the Skystone Ryan leadership team Analyzes the most potent trends and developments and interpret their implications for the future of philanthropy Offers eight to twelve essays, each by a different Skystone Ryan consultant with particular experience, insight, and expertise in the area Building Strong Nonprofits: New Strategies for Growth and Sustainability is you, whether you are a nonprofit leader, executive director, board member, or development director, and are becoming aware that new organizational strategies are called for if the same old donors are not supportive in the same old ways.
ebook (ePub) 40.62 €Workplace stress and burnout is a multi-billion-dollar problem affecting organisations. The impacts of workplace stress and burnout include low productivity and profitability, rampant presenteeism and absenteeism, alarming workplace safety performance and workers compensation claims, poor quality assurance, high negative staff turnover and even, sometimes, work-related suicide. How do you solve such complex problems when the root cause is often nebulous or emotionally-charged? Workplace mental fitness is the answer. MindFit introduces Link:Flow:Grow, a breakthrough organisational design and development toolkit that puts workplace mental fitness first. This practical, field-tested solution empowers your workforce to: ? skyrocket productivity and increase revenue ? improve workplace safety and reduce workers compensation figures ? reduce negative staff turnover and restore employee engagement ? transform organisational culture and address other chronic business challenges. MindFit introduces a transformative business management paradigm backed by mental fitness stretches, relatable stories, practical insights and handy checklists to empower your Company, your Team and your Self. It's idealism made practical, complex made cheeky and education made entertaining. Don't leave work without it!
ebook (ePub) 17.30 €Difficult Diabetes
Gareth Williams, John C. Pickup, Geoff V. Gill
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 15 Avril 2008
- 9780470756867
Difficult Diabetes is intended for diabetologists and endocrinologists who want to keep abreast of the developments in this fast-changing world. It provides a distillation of clinical wisdom that is desperately required in the absence of evidence-based guidelines. This book seeks to avoid rehashing the accepted content and dogma found in the excellent textbooks of diabetes. It provides more of an in depth coverage than is possible in individual review articles. Its key objective is to provide guidance to clinicians about the most topical and controversial aspects of their practice.
Provides guidance to clinicians about the most topical and controversial aspects of their practice
Each chapter is written by an expert in the field who can give a balanced overview of the topic
All information is as up to date as possible due to fast production of the bookebook (pdf) 107.56 €This book is structured as a step-by-step course of study along the lines of a VLSI integrated circuit design project. The entire Verilog language is presented, from the basics to everything necessary for synthesis of an entire 70,000 transistor, full-duplex serializer-deserializer, including synthesizable PLLs. The author includes everything an engineer needs for in-depth understanding of the Verilog language: Syntax, synthesis semantics, simulation and test. Complete solutions for the 27 labs are provided in the downloadable files that accompany the book. For readers with access to appropriate electronic design tools, all solutions can be developed, simulated, and synthesized as described in the book. A partial list of design topics includes design partitioning, hierarchy decomposition, safe coding styles, back annotation, wrapper modules, concurrency, race conditions, assertion-based verification, clock synchronization, and design for test. A concluding presentation of special topics includes System Verilog and Verilog-AMS.
ebook (ePub) 116.04 €Lake Restoration Handbook
David P. Hamilton, Kevin J. Collier, John M. Quinn, Clive Howard-Williams
- Springer
- 29 Janvier 2019
- 9783319930435
Lakes across the globe require help. The Lake Restoration Handbook: A New Zealand Perspective addresses this need through a series of chapters that draw on recent advances in modelling and monitoring tools, citizen science and First Peoples' roles, catchment and lake-focused restoration techniques, and policy implementation. New Zealand lakes, like lakes across the globe, are subject to multiple pressures that have increased in severity and scale as land use has intensified, invasive species have spread and global climate change becomes manifest. This books builds on the popular Lake Managers Handbook (1987), which provided guidance on undertaking investigations into, and understanding lake ecosystems in New Zealand. The Lake Restoration Handbook: A New Zealand Perspective synthesises contemporary issues related to lake restoration and rehabilitation, integrated with social science and cultural viewpoints, and complemented by authoritative topic-area summaries by renowned scientists and practitioners from across the globe. The book examines the progress of lake restoration and the new and emerging tools available to managers for predicting and effecting change. The book will be a valuable resource for natural and social scientists, policy writers, lake managers, and anyone interested in the health of lake ecosystems.
ebook (ePub) 252.15 €The Future of Technology Education
P John Williams, Cathy Buntting, Alister Jones
- Springer
- 17 Novembre 2014
- 9789812871701
Twenty-five years ago there was increasing optimism in policy, curriculum and research about the contribution that technology education might make to increased technological literacy in schools and the wider population. That optimism continues, although the status of technology as a learning area remains fragile in many places. This edited book is offered as a platform from which to continue discussions about how technology education might progress into the future, and how the potential of technology education to be truly relevant and valued in school learning can be achieved. The book results from a collaboration between leading academics in the field, the wider group of authors having had input into each of the chapters. Through the development of a deep understanding of technology, based on a thoughtful philosophy, pathways are discussed to facilitate student learning opportunities in technology education. Consideration is given to the purpose(s) of technology education and how this plays out in curriculum, pedagogies, and assessment. Key dimensions, including design, critique, students' cultural capital are also explored, as are the role and place of political persuasion, professional organisations, and research that connects with practice. The discussion in the book leads to a conclusion that technology education has both an ethical and moral responsibility to support imaginings that sustain people and communities in harmony and for the well being of the broader ecological and social environment.
ebook (ePub) 116.04 €Environmental Flow Assessment
G. Mathias Kondolf, John G. Williams, Peter B. Moyle, J. Angus Webb
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 26 Mars 2019
- 9781119217398
Provides critiques of current practices for environmental flow assessment and shows how they can be improved, using case studies. In Environmental Flow Assessment: Methods and Applications, four leading experts critique methods used to manage flows in regulated streams and rivers to balance environmental (instream) and out-of-stream uses of water. Intended for managers as well as practitioners, the book dissects the shortcomings of commonly used approaches, and offers practical advice for selecting and implementing better ones. The authors argue that methods for environmental flow assessment (EFA) can be defensible as well as practicable only if they squarely address uncertainty, and provide guidance for doing so. Introductory chapters describe the scientific and social reasons that EFA is hard, and provide a brief history. Because management of regulated streams starts with understanding freshwater ecosystems, Environmental Flow Assessment: Methods and Applications includes chapters on flow and organisms in streams. The following chapters assess standard and emerging methods, how they should be tested, and how they should (or should not) be applied. The book concludes with practical recommendations for implementing environmental flow assessment. Describes historical and recent trends in environmental flow assessment Directly addresses practical difficulties with applying a scientifically informed approach in contentious circumstances Serves as an effective introduction to the relevant literature, with many references to articles in related scientific fields Pays close attention to statistical issues such as sampling, estimation of statistical uncertainty, and model selection Includes recommendations for methods and approaches Examines how methods have been tested in the past and shows how they should be tested today and in the future Environmental Flow Assessment: Methods and Applications is an excellent book for biologists and specialists in allied fields such as engineering, ecology, fluvial geomorphology, environmental planning, landscape architecture, along with river managers and decision makers.
ebook (pdf) 124.44 €1 2Un article a été ajouté à votre panier.