B. J. Harrison Reads Young Goodman Brown
Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Saga Egmont
- The Classic Tales with B. J. Harrison
- 25 Mars 2021
- 9788726574937
Goodman Brown is a young man who leads a normal and peaceful life with his wife Faith. However one evening, he leaves his wife and heads out to the forest. He has to run an unknown and urgent errand. There, he meets an old man who strangely resembles Brown a lot. Together, they walk deeper in the woods and suddenly Brown hears Faith's voice coming from an unknown direction. He runs angrily through the forest when he stumbles upon a strange ceremony. Goodman Brown's adventure through the woods is a symbol for his journey into self-scrutiny. But is he being tortured through a dream or it this all reality?
B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.
Nathaniel Hawthorne was an American author who lived in the period 1804-1864. He is best known as novelist and short-story writer. His literary style belongs to dark romanticism. Morality, religion, guilt and sin were topics he often took up in his stories. History, symbolism and psychology were also often intertwined in his works. To this day, he is considered to be one of the greatest fiction writers in American literature. Some of Hawthorne's most popular novels are "The Scarlet Letter", "The House of Seven Gables" and "The Marble Faun". -
The Great Stone Face and Other Tales of the White Mountains
Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Saga Egmont
- Svenska Ljud Classica
- 4 Janvier 2017
- 9789176392287
A collection of four short stories by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the common theme of which is New Hampshire's White Mountains. Consists of: The Great Stone Face, written in 1850 and revolves around the 'Old Man of the Mountain (Cannon Mtn.) in New Hampshire which sadly collapsed on May 3, 2003; The Ambitious Guest, written in 1835; The Great Carbuncle, written in 1837; and Sketches From Memory, written sometime prior to The Great Carbuncle as will become obvious.
Please note: This audiobook has been created using AI voice.
The Scarlet Letter was published in 1850; it was one of the first books to be massproduced in America, which helped ensure its immediate popularity and ubiquitous presence on contemporary shelves. Its first printing of 2,500 books sold out in ten days.
The novel is set in the Puritan Massachusetts Bay Colony between the years 1642 and 1649. Hester Prynne has had a child out of wedlock, and its father is a mystery. For her sin, she is made to wear an embroidered scarlet A on her clothes-for "Adulteress." She now faces a life of unending shame in the stern and religious Puritan colony, in a part of the world where there are no others to turn to.
While the plot is simple, the novel is highly allegorical. It explores themes of sin, guilt, repentance, forgiveness, alienation, and legalism. Characters have symbolic names and appearances, and many aspects of the narrative can be viewed in a symbolist lens.
Hawthorne initially thought the novel was too short for publication on its own; to pad the length, he included the "Customhouse" introduction. The introduction angered the residents of Salem, who thought the introduction was poking meanspirited fun at them. This prompted Hawthorne to republish the book "without the change of a word," but with a reassurance that the introduction was meant in good spirits.
The novel has been consistently popular since its publication, with it being required reading in many American high schools. D. H. Lawrence called it "a perfect work of American imagination." -
Contes de la mythologie grecque. La tête de la Gorgone
Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Éditions Thélème
- 25 Janvier 2003
- 9791025602300
Les Gorgones, aux têtes auréolées de serpents et aux ailes écaillées ont le pouvoir maléfique de changer quiconque les regarde en statue de pierre. Persée, qui doit ramener la tête de Méduse, seule Gorgone mortelle, doit faire preuve de ruse et de courage pour éviter d'être pétrifié. Mais les dieux Hermès et Athena l'accompagnent dans cette redoutable épreuve.
Contes de la mythologie grecque. Le roi Midas
Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Éditions Thélème
- 11 Novembre 2016
- 9791025602317
Le Roi Midas veut que se change en or tout ce qu'il touche : tel est son profond désir, tel est son voeu le plus cher, tel est son feu sacré en quelque sorte. L'or qu'il désire posséder ne sera-t-il point le foyer de tout plaisir et de tout pouvoir ? Car tout s'achète, en effet ; et qui veut devenir ou devient riche est tenté de tout posséder et séduit par le plaisir et le pouvoir illimité. Seule compte la satisfaction de son désir démesuré de possession. Mais, justement, la démesure du désir est telle qu'elle devient un feu dévorant toute chose. Tout aliment et toute boisson que touche le roi Midas se transforment en or : il se meurt donc de faim et de soif.
Contes de la mythologie grecque. Le Minotaure
Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Éditions Thélème
- 11 Novembre 2005
- 9791025602331
Monstre à corps d'homme et à tête de taureau, le Minautore est enfermé dans le Labyrinthe, construit par Dédale. Il inspire crainte et terreur car ses repas sont composés de victimes humaines. Seul Thésée, célèbre héros grec peut sauver les athéniens de la terrifiante bête, par son courage et grâce au fil d'Ariane.
Contes de la mythologie grecque. Les trois pommes d'or
Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Éditions Thélème
- 11 Novembre 2003
- 9791025602348
« Vous a-t-on jamais parlé des pommes d'or qui mûrissaient au jardin des Hespérides ? Aj, quelles pommes, le boisseau se vendrait à un bon prix si l'on en trouvait dans nos vergers d'aujourd'hui. Mais leur greffe est perdue...
Contes de la mythologie grecque. La boîte de Pandore - Le pichet magique
Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Éditions Thélème
- 11 Novembre 2003
- 9791025602355
Les enfants vivent dans un monde féerique, insouciants, s'adonnant aux jeux et à la gourmandise lorsque la curiosité les attirent vers un interdit. C'est alors qu'un nuage sombre s'abat sur cet univers paradisiaque... Voici deux contes pour enfant librement inspiré de la mythologie grecque. La boite de Pandore et Le pichet magique.
Contes de la mythologie grecque. La Chimère
Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Éditions Thélème
- 8 Novembre 2002
- 9791025602362
La Chimère, effroyable monstre à la tête de lion et à la queue de serpent dévore tous les êtres humains qu'elle rencontre. À l'opposé Pégase, le célèbre cheval ailé suscite l'admiration de tous. Le jeune héros Bellérophon parvient à dompter, avec l'aide d'Athéna, l'animal merveilleux. Ensemble, ils vont affronter la Chimère.
B. J. Harrison Reads Rappaccini's Daughter
Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Saga Egmont
- The Classic Tales with B. J. Harrison
- 15 Février 2021
- 9788726574944
Dr. Giacomo Rappaccini is a scientist who grows poisonous plants in his garden. The only person who can tend to the plants is his own daughter Beatrice who has not only become resistant to poison but is also poisonous herself. Rappaccini and his daughter lead a secluded life, distanced from other people and reality. However, one day the young student Giovanni Guasconti sees Beatrice and immediately falls in love with her. Giovanni's mentor Baglioni warns the poor boy but Giovanni's feelings are stronger than anything. So he enters the poisonous garden. What will be the consequences for him and will he and Beatrice be able to be together? Find out in Nathaniel Hawthorne's "Rappaccini's Daughter".
B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.
Nathaniel Hawthorne was an American author who lived in the period 1804-1864. He is best known as novelist and short-story writer. His literary style belongs to dark romanticism. Morality, religion, guilt and sin were topics he often took up in his stories. History, symbolism and psychology were also often intertwined in his works. To this day, he is considered to be one of the greatest fiction writers in American literature. Some of Hawthorne's most popular novels are "The Scarlet Letter", "The House of Seven Gables" and "The Marble Faun". -
B. J. Harrison Reads The Ambitious Guest
Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Saga Egmont
- The Classic Tales with B. J. Harrison
- 17 Février 2021
- 9788726574951
A young traveler is up on a mountain when night falls and he finds shelter with a family that lives nearby. They make friendly conversation and the visitor shares his dreams and goals to achieve great things in life. Their conversation is however interrupted by the sound of rocks falling from the slope. Are they in danger? Find out in Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Ambitious Guest".
B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.
Nathaniel Hawthorne was an American author who lived in the period 1804-1864. He is best known as novelist and short-story writer. His literary style belongs to dark romanticism. Morality, religion, guilt and sin were topics he often took up in his stories. History, symbolism and psychology were also often intertwined in his works. To this day, he is considered to be one of the greatest fiction writers in American literature. Some of Hawthorne's most popular novels are "The Scarlet Letter", "The House of Seven Gables" and "The Marble Faun". -
B. J. Harrison Reads The Mechanical Butterfly
Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Saga Egmont
- The Classic Tales with B. J. Harrison
- 23 Février 2021
- 9788726574920
Owen Warland is a genius who wants to create things and break the limitations set by the society and the people surrounding him. He is deeply misunderstood and he often quits his innovative projects when people advise him to take up something more "practical". After many failed attempts to fit in, he finally breaks away from society and finds peace in nature. Will he finally get to finish the creation of his lifetime and will it all have been in vain? Find out in Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Mechanical Butterfly".
B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.
Nathaniel Hawthorne was an American author who lived in the period 1804-1864. He is best known as novelist and short-story writer. His literary style belongs to dark romanticism. Morality, religion, guilt and sin were topics he often took up in his stories. History, symbolism and psychology were also often intertwined in his works. To this day, he is considered to be one of the greatest fiction writers in American literature. Some of Hawthorne's most popular novels are "The Scarlet Letter", "The House of Seven Gables" and "The Marble Faun". -
The Blithedale Romance (UNABRIDGED)
Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Slingshot Books LLC
- 21 Août 2021
- 9781669306719
The Blithedale Romance is the story of four principal characters who work with -- and sometimes against -- each other on Blithedale, a communal farm antecedent to those that sprang up later in the 1960s, and similar to one on which Hawthorne himself lived in 1841. These communes arose out of the pressures on society and the individual brought by the Industrial Revolution. Some were organized around religious philosophies, some were secular. Among the secularists, the Transcendental movement mentioned in the novel espoused the idea that the individual's intuition, rather than religious dogma, was the true path to spiritual enlightenment. Our four characters, like so many who fled to these communes, struggle to free mankind from bondage as they struggle with the unaccustomed day-to-day tasks of farm life. But they are plagued by a mystery that follows them from the world, and ultimately leads to tragedy. (Summary by Christine Dufour)
Rappaccini's Daughter (UNABRIDGED)
Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Slingshot Books LLC
- 20 Août 2021
- 9781669305422
The story is set in Padua in a distant, but unspecified past. From his quarters, Giovanni, a young student of letters, observes Beatrice, the beautiful daughter of Dr. Rappaccini, a scientist working in isolation. Beatrice is confined to the lush and locked gardens filled with poisonous plants by her father. Having fallen in love, Giovanni enters the garden and meets with Beatrice a number of times regardless of the warning of his mentor, Professor Baglioni, that Rappaccini is up to no good and he and his work should be avoided. -- Wikipedia.
Twice-Told Tales is a short story collection in two volumes by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The first was published in the spring of 1837, and the second in 1842. The stories had all been previously published in magazines and annuals, hence the name. (Introduction by Wikipedia)
The House of the Seven Gables (UNABRIDGED)
Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Slingshot Books LLC
- 12 Août 2021
- 9781669300557
The wrongdoing of one generation lives into the successive ones and... becomes a pure and uncontrollable mischief. Hawthorne's moral for "The House of the Seven Gables," taken from the Preface, accurately presages his story. The full weight of the gloomy mansion of the title seems to sit on the fortunes of the Pyncheon family. An ancestor took advantage of the Salem witch trials to wrest away the land whereon the house would be raised... but the land's owner, about to be executed as a wizard, cursed the Pyncheon family until such time as they should make restitution.Now, almost two centuries later, the family is in real distress. Hepzibah, an old maid and resident of the house, is forced by advanced poverty to open a shop in a part of the house. Her brother Clifford has just been released from prison after serving a thirty-year sentence for murder, and his mind struggles to maintain any kind of hold on reality. Cousin Judge Jaffrey Pyncheon is making himself odious by threatening to have Clifford committed to an institution. And after all these years, the deed to a vast tract of land, that would settle great wealth on the family, is still missing.One bright ray of sunshine enters the house when cousin Phoebe arrives for an extended stay to allow unhappy matters in her end of the family to sort themselves out. While she lightens the lives of Hepzibah and Clifford, she also attracts the attention of a mysterious lodger named Holgrave, who has placed himself near the Pyncheon family for reasons that only come clear at the end of the story.The real crisis arrives when the Judge, who strongly resembles the Colonel Pyncheon who built the house so many years ago, steps up his demands on Hepzibah and Clifford and unwittingly triggers the curse. (Summary by Mark F. Smith)
The Great Stone Face And Other Tales Of The White Mountains (Unabridged)
Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Slingshot Books LLC
- 11 Août 2022
- 9798822592773
A collection of four short stories by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the common theme of which is New Hampshire's White Mountains. Consists of: The Great Stone Face, written in 1850 and revolves around the 'Old Man of the Mountain in New Hampshire which sadly collapsed on May 3, 2003; The Ambitious Guest, written in 1835; The Great Carbuncle, written in 1837; and Sketches From Memory, written sometime prior to The Great Carbuncle as will become obvious.
Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Slingshot Books LLC
- 8 Août 2022
- 9798822552104
In writing this ponderous tome, the author's desire has been to describe the eminent characters and remarkable events of our annals, in such a form and style, that the YOUNG might make acquaintance with them of their own accord. For this purpose, while ostensibly relating the adventures of a Chair, he has endeavored to keep a distinct and unbroken thread of authentic history. The Chair is made to pass from one to another of those personages, of whom he thought it most desirable for the young reader to have vivid and familiar ideas, and whose lives and actions would best enable him to give picturesque sketches of the times. On its sturdy oaken legs, it trudges diligently from one scene to another, and seems always to thrust itself in the way, with most benign complacency, whenever a historical personage happens to be looking round for a seat. - Summary from Preface by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Mosses From An Old Manse (Unabridged)
Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Slingshot Books LLC
- 6 Août 2022
- 9798822560772
Mosses from an Old Manse is a short story collection by Nathaniel Hawthorne, first published in 1846. The collection includes several previously-published short stories and is named in honor of The Old Manse where Hawthorne and his wife lived for the first three years of their marriage. A second edition was published in 1854, which added "Feathertop," "Passages from a Relinquished Work, and "Sketches from Memory." Many of the tales collected in "Mosses from an Old Manse" are allegories and, typical of Hawthorne, focus on the negative side of human nature. Hawthorne's friend Herman Melville noted this aspect in his review "Hawthorne and His Mosses": "This black conceit pervades him through and through. You may be witched by his sunlight, transported by the bright gildings in the skies he builds over you; but there is the blackness of darkness beyond; and even his bright gildings but fringe and play upon the edges of thunder-clouds." William Henry Channing reviewed the collection in The Harbinger and noted that its author "had been baptized in the deep waters of Tragedy" and his work was dark with only brief moments of "serene brightness" which was never brighter than "dusky twilight".
In una colonia della Nuova Inghilterra del 17esimo secolo, una folla si raduna per le strade. Tutti gli occhi sono puntati sulla giovane Hester Prynne. I paesani puritani sono qui per assistere alla sua punizione. Ma questa cupa scena di umiliazione pubblica è solo l'inizio del percorso di espiazione di Hester. "La lettera scarlatta" parla di come un singolo atto di passione proibita possa cambiare per sempre le vite di tre persone. Considerato il primo romanzo psicologico d'America, il capolavoro di Nathaniel Hawthorne è una stupefacente riflessione sul peccato, la colpa, la vergogna e il terribile prezzo dell'esclusione dalla società.
Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) è uno scrittore americano di racconti e romanzi, vicino alla cerchia del trascendentalismo. Le sue opere principali includono "La lettera scarlatta" (1850) e "La casa dei sette abbaini" (1851).