Saga Stigsdotter
Rakel and Simon are into BDSM. Simon is usually the dominant one and Rakel loves to let go and succumb to her urges. Rakel tells her friend Stina stories about her sex life and her erotic games with her boyfriend. But then Stina asks an interesting question. What if Rakel was the one holding the whip instead? And would Simon want to be the submissive? Rakel finds this very intriguing ... Maybe they should try it. To switch roles.
Niklas, a globetrotter and famous influencer, returns to his childhood home on the island of Tjrn when a devastating leak of crude oil threatens to destroy wildlife and the coastal landscape. He wants to help in any way he can. As he gets back, he bumps into his old friend Jonny, who he's known all his life. When Niklas discovers Jonny's fascination for latex and sex he realises that it's something he wants to find out more about, and not just in theory...
"I moan with delight when a new type of pain spreads across my body, a pain I've never experienced before. After a while, the pain transforms into a weird heat that floods my system and I end up in the wonderful, intoxicating state of being controlled by you."
Lilly travels to the little cottage where Bella is waiting for her. Bella has many plans and the best thing is just to obey her, otherwise you're sure to be punished....
Nettles is a poetic, erotic summery story. It's about giving orders and blind obedience.This lesbian BDSM relationship set in a beautiful rural landscape is not to be missed. -
It's winter, almost Christmas, and Lilly is finally about to see Isabella again. Isabella rimes with novella. They are about to celebrate Christmas together in the little cabin in the woods where they have met before and where they have made love before. The same moment she walks into the cabin, a wave of expectation and lust washes over Lilly. The dynamic in the cabin is obvious - they both know their place and they are both ready for a steamy game to start, a game that will even melt the snow.
Nettles and Sauna is an erotic short story about love and lust, about leading and following. It's Christmas, but not any other Christmas.
Saga Stigsdotter is a Swedish author who writes norm-breaking stories that explores our inner desires and urges, often with some humor. She has published short stories within different genres and has appeared in several anthologies and magazines. Saga Stigsdotter attended the writers' program in Jakobsberg in Sweden. -
Rakel i Simon lubia BDSM. Simon jest zazwyczaj dominujacy, a Rakel uwielbia odpuszcza´c i poddawa´c sie swoim popedom. Rakel opowiada swojej przyjaciólce Stinie o swoim zyciu erotycznym i pikantnych zabawach z chlopakiem. Wtedy Stina zadaje jej ciekawe pytanie: co by bylo, gdyby to Rakel trzymala w reku pejcz? I czy Simon chcialby jej ulec? Rakel uwaza, ze to bardzo intrygujace... Moze powinni spróbowa´c i zamieni´c sie rolami?
Saga Stigsdotter to szwedzka autorka. Pisze humorystyczne opowiadania, które lamia konwenanse i pomagaja zglebi´c nasze wewnetrzne pragnienia. Jej historie, przynalezace do róznych gatunków literackich, doczekaly sie publikacji w kilku antologiach i czasopismach. -
"Simon si sfila la maglietta. Le sessioni in sala pesi hanno iniziato a fare effetto. Naturalmente i suoi muscoli li vedo tutti i giorni da vicino, ma in questo preciso istante mi appaiono sotto un'altra luce. Scatteranno sotto la frusta? Dico frusta perché nient'altro sarebbe sufficiente per questo corpo perfetto..."
Rakel e Simon sono appassionati di BDSM: di solito, Simon è il dominante mentre Rakel ama lasciarsi andare e soccombere ai suoi impulsi. Quando incontra la sua amica Stina, Rakel la aggiorna dettagliatamente raccontandole della sua vita sessuale e dei suoi giochi erotici. Un giorno, però, Stina le fa una domanda interessante: e se per una volta fosse Rakel a tenere in mano la frusta? Simon vorrebbe farsi sottomettere? Rakel trova la cosa molto intrigante. Forse dovrebbero provare a scambiarsi i ruoli...
Saga Stigsdotter è un'autrice svedese che ha pubblicato storie brevi in diversi generi ed è apparsa in varie antologie e riviste. Le sue storie rompono le norme ed esplorano desideri e pulsioni interiori, spesso con un pizzico di umorismo. Saga ha anche frequentato il programma per scrittori a Jakobsberg in Svezia. -
Nina si reca al piccolo cottage dove Rhonda la sta aspettando. Rhonda ha molti piani per il soggiorno ed è meglio obbedirle, se non si vuole essere punite...
Ortiche è un racconto erotico estivo e poetico, sul dare ordini e obbedire ciecamente. Ambientato in un meraviglioso paesaggio rurale, questa relazione lesbica con elementi BDSM è da non perdere.
Saga Stigsdotter è un'autrice svedese che ha pubblicato storie brevi in diversi generi ed è apparsa in varie antologie e riviste. Le sue storie rompono le norme ed esplorano desideri e pulsioni interiori, spesso con un pizzico di umorismo. Saga ha anche frequentato il programma per scrittori a Jakobsberg in Svezia. -
Quando Ella perde il lavoro e il suo fidanzato Alex è fuori città, si annoia così tanto che lei e la sua amica Fiona iniziano quasi per caso una nuova attività: faranno dildo e altri sex toys artistici con decorazioni tradizionali svedesi, adatti a decorare qualsiasi casa.
Eppure, Ella non si aspetta che i suoi prototipi le piacciano così tanto e si perde per ore con i suoi nuovi giocattoli. Quando Alex torna a casa, lei è più che pronta per accoglierlo caldamente...
Happy Cocks è una novella erotica piena di scene piccanti... e un'idea di business che varrebbe la pena rubare!
Saga Stigsdotter è un'autrice svedese che ha pubblicato storie brevi in diversi generi ed è apparsa in varie antologie e riviste. Le sue storie rompono le norme ed esplorano desideri e pulsioni interiori, spesso con un pizzico di umorismo. Saga ha anche frequentato il programma per scrittori a Jakobsberg in Svezia. -
Rachel et Simon aiment faire du BDSM. D'habitude, Simon est le dominant et Rachel aime lâcher prise et succomber à ses désirs. Rachel raconte à son amie Stina sa vie sexuelle et les jeux érotiques qu'elle fait avec son petit ami. Mais un jour, Stina lui pose une question intéressante. Et si Rachel prenait le fouet ? Simon aimerait-il être soumis ? Rachel est intriguée par cette possibilité... Ils devraient peut-être l'essayer. Inverser les rôles.
Saga Stigsdotter est une auteure suédoise de récits qui rompent avec les normes et qui explorent, souvent avec humour, nos désirs et nos envies les plus intimes. Elle a publié des nouvelles de genres différents qui sont parues dans plusieurs anthologies et revues. Saga Stigsdotter a participé à l'atelier des écrivains de Jakobsberg en Suède -
Rachel en Stina drinken zoals elke week samen koffie terwijl Rachel vertelt over haar erotische avonturen. Stina weet dat Rachel en Simon aan BDSM doen. Simon is de dominante, en Rachel vindt het heerlijk om de controle los te laten en zich te laten overspoelen door haar begeerte. Maar dan vraagt Stina of Rachel niet nieuwsgierig is om aan het andere uiteinde van de zweep te staan ... en dat is ze. Is het zelfs niet zo dat Simon hints gegeven heeft dat hij wel eens wil uitproberen hoe het is om onderdanig te zijn? Misschien wacht er wel een hete nacht waarin Rachel en Simon van rol wisselen ...
Saga Stigsdotter is een Zweedse schrijfster die de schrijfschool van Jakobsberg Folkhgskola bezocht. Ze schrijft normdoorbrekende teksten die onze diepste wil en drijfveren onderzoeken, met een dosis humor. Saga publiceerde eerder het korte verhaal Solstaden en droeg bij aan een aantal bloemlezingen en tijdschriften. -
'Ik kreun van genot terwijl er een pijn die ik nooit eerder gevoeld heb door mijn lichaam trekt. Na een tijdje verandert de pijn in een buitengewone warmte die door mijn lichaam trekt, en ik ervaar het heerlijke, bedwelmende gevoel dat ik krijg als je me domineert.'
Lilly komt naar het huisje waar Kat al wacht. Kat heeft grootse plannen, en je kunt maar beter doen wat zij zegt. Anders wacht er straf...
Brandnetels is een poëtisch-erotisch zomerverhaal over bevelen en blind gehoorzamen. Deze lesbische bdsm-relatie in landelijke sferen mag je niet missen.
Saga Stigsdotter is een Zweedse schrijfster die de schrijfschool van Jakobsberg Folkhgskola heeft gevolgd. Ze schrijft intiem over normdoorbrekende liefde en is gefascineerd door machtsdynamiek. Met humor en een gevoel voor ontdekking neemt ze de lezer mee naar nieuwe en verrassende situaties, de ene nog heter dan de andere. -
Het is winter, bijna kerst, en eindelijk zien Lilly en Katharina elkaar weer. 'Kat', dat omgekeerd 'tak' is. Samen vieren ze kerst in het huisje in het bos, waar ze elkaar vaker zien en vrijen. Opwinding en verwachting overvallen Lilly zodra ze binnenkomt. De dynamiek in het huisje spreekt vanzelf beiden kennen ze hun rol in het hete spel, dat zelfs sneeuw laat smelten. "Brandnetels en berkentakken" is een novelle over liefde en begeerte, over leiden en volgen. Het is Kerst maar niet zomaar Kerst.
Saga Stigsdotter is een Zweedse schrijfster die de schrijfschool van Jakobsberg Folkhgskola heeft gevolgd. Ze schrijft intiem over normdoorbrekende liefde en is gefascineerd door machtsdynamiek. Met humor en een gevoel voor ontdekking neemt ze de lezer mee naar nieuwe en verrassende situaties, de ene nog heter dan de andere. -
Als Ella haar baan kwijtraakt en haar vriend Alex op reis is, verveelt ze zich zo dat zij en haar vriendin Fiona ongepland een bedrijf beginnen. Ze gaan dildo's en andere seksspeeltjes met kunstzinnige patronen ontwerpen die je net zo goed als decoratie in huis kunt gebruiken. Maar Ella had er misschien niet op gerekend dat ze haar prototypes zó leuk zou vinden. Ze verliest zichzelf in urenlang plezier met haar Daladildo's. Als Alex thuiskomt, is ze meer dan klaar voor zijn gretige vingers ...
Happy Cocks is een erotische novelle boordevol sexy scènes, en misschien heeft iemand zin om fantasie om te zetten in werkelijkheid ...
Saga Stigsdotter is een Zweedse schrijfster die de schrijfopleiding van Jakobsbergs Volkshogeschool gevolgd heeft. Ze schrijft intieme verhalen over normdoorbrekende liefde en machtsdynamiek. Met humor en inventiviteit neemt ze de lezer mee op reis naar nieuwe, verrassende situaties, de ene nog heter dan de andere. -
"Trillend van verlangen leg ik mijn handen rond haar borsten. Ze zijn klein, maar dat zijn mijn handen ook. Alsof onze lichamen bij elkaar horen. Ik voel hoe er iets op zijn plaats valt. Ik word warm, bijna ondraaglijk heet zelfs."
Johanna leest een stuk uit haar tekst "Ik ben een lesbische maagd" voor aan publiek. Tussen de toehoorders zit Adriëtte, een van de meest imponerende mensen die Johanna ooit ontmoet heeft. Na het voorlezen maken ze een praatje en Johanna voelt zicht tot Adriëtte aangetrokken. Dan stelt Adriëtte voor dat ze een wat rustiger plekje opzoeken. Johanna wil niets liever.
Saga Stigsdotter is een Zweedse schrijfster die de schrijfschool van Jakobsberg Folkhgskola heeft bezocht. Ze schrijft intiem over normdoorbrekende liefde en is gefascineerd door machtsdynamiek. Met zowel humor als ontdekkingszin neemt ze de lezer mee naar nieuwe en verrassende situaties, de een nog heter dan de ander. -
Coming Out & In: A Collection of Steamy Queer Erotica
Saga Stigsdotter, Betty Frank Simonsen, Anne-Marie Vedso Olesen, Malva B., Marie Metso, Sir Jay Cox, Alexandra Sodergran
- 16 Mai 2023
- 9788728407738
`Coming Out & In: A Collection of Steamy Queer Erotica' is a collection of sexy stories for the LGBTQI+ community. From horny stable boys and getting steamy in the sauna to friends with benefits, there's a story for every reader under the rainbow.
Whether you're gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, transgender or queer, these stories will definitely put you in the right mood.
This collection includes:
December 13: St. Stephan and the horny stable boys
December 23: Mr S
Hotel California
Crude Oil
Friends with Benefits: Through Jack's Eyes
Friends with Benefits: Through Tony's Eyes
Student accommodation
Nettles and Sauna
I Saw Her Dancing in Paris
In Line at the Haunted House
A Polyamorous Christmas
The Sex Club La Cabaña Metamorpheros
Black Cat
Desire 3: Coming out
LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They're on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow us to understand that it's okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on. -
Handyman Wanted - 20 Sexy Erotic Short Stories
Saga Stigsdotter, Nicolas Lemarin, Christina Tempest, Britta Bocker, Amanda Backman, Vanessa Salt, Chrystelle Leroy, Mal
- 16 Mai 2023
- 9788728407714
`Handyman Wanted - 20 Sexy Erotic Short Stories' is a collection from LUST that explores many different sexual fantasies. From polyamory and sex clubs to voyeurism and visits from the handyman, your sexy fantasies will be fulfilled with this collection.
Some of the stories included in this collection:
Alice's Awakening
Catch Her If You Can
Student accommodation
Nettles and Sauna
Sex Tape
The Christmas Cruise
Handyman Wanted Part 1
Handyman Wanted Part 2
The Waitress
The Sex Club La Cabaña
Sex on Show
Room 241
A Polyamorous Christmas
The Liberated Dowager Countess
LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They're on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow us to understand that it's okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on. -
Bold & Beautiful: Public Sex & Kink Erotica
Saga Stigsdotter, Valery Jonsson, Malva B., Nicolas Lemarin, My Lemon, Christina Tempest, Sara Olsson, Alexandra Sodergr
- 16 Mai 2023
- 9788728407721
`Bold & Beautiful: Public Sex & Kink Erotica' from LUST is a collection of steamy stories for readers who find pleasure in kinks, public sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism, watching, and being watched.
From bondage to swinging, from elicit encounters in public places to sex clubs, there's something to excite every reader.
This collection includes:
Alice's Awakening
The Job Interview
Sex on Show
All About Hands
Peep Show
Crude Oil
Tie Me Up
December 11: The Christmas Recital
The Sex Club La Cabaña
Desire 1: Honeymoon
Desire 4: Pavilion of Desire
December 18: The Jazz Club
The Switch
Madame 1: Foreplay
Summer Sex 1: The Bus
Summer Sex 2: The Beach
Summer Sex 3: The Park
Forbidden Places: The Doctor
Forbidden Places: The Bus Driver
Forbidden Places: The Welder
Forbidden Places: The Mechanic
Forbidden Places: The Cinema
Forbidden Places: The Politician
Forbidden Places: The Airplane
Forbidden Places: The Elevator
LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They're on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow us to understand that it's okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on. -
Sex on Show: 21 Hot Erotic Short Stories
Saga Stigsdotter, Marie Metso, Nicolas Lemarin, Alexandra Sodergran, Britta Bocker, Julie Jones, Amanda Backman, Vanessa
- 16 Mai 2023
- 9788728407752
`Sex on Show: 21 Hot Erotic Short Stories' is a collection from LUST that explore the sexy and sensual side of performances and shows.
From public displays of affection and peep shows to dancers and rock stars, there's a steamy story for every reader.
This collection includes:
In Madrid, They Kiss in the Streets
The Masseur
In Line at the Haunted House
The Piano Teacher
The Mayan Ruins
Peep Show
Among the Trees
Free Will
The Boss's Daughters
I Saw Her Dancing in Paris
Sex on Show
The Rock Star
The Neck: The Water Spirit
The Switch
The Postwoman's Sexy Secrets
The Graffiti Place
The Lifeguard
Crude Oil
The Publisher
LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They're on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow us to understand that it's okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on. -
Oscar is looking for a mature lady who knows what she wants, and you can definitely say that about Astrid. However, despite being obviously attracted to her, she makes him very insecure. What does she mean when she says "maintenance work"?
Is he really ready to give up control and let someone else take over? Can he even control his own desire?
The one thing he knows is that he's tired of always being expected to take the initiative just because he's a man...
Saga Stigsdotter is a Swedish author who writes norm-breaking stories that explores our inner desires and urges, often with some humor. She has published short stories within different genres and has appeared in several anthologies and magazines. Saga Stigsdotter attended the writers' program in Jakobsberg in Sweden. -
B is for BDSM: 13 Erotic Short Stories
Saga Stigsdotter, Catrina Curant, Victoria Pazdzierny, Valery Jonsson, Sofia Fritzson, Nina Alven, Christina Tempest, Sa
- 7 Août 2023
- 9788727091327
"You pin me to the bed with your weight, clasping your hands around my wrists, having nothing else to use instead. You tell me to stay where I am. So I stay, feeling the excitement rise within me. I like your domination, firmness, and ferocity. I want to follow your commands. I feel warmth overwhelming me simply from surrendering to your words." - Peach Delight
Part of the erotic alphabet series, `B is for BDSM: 13 Erotic Short Stories' is a collection of erotica that explores the sexual and sensual pleasures of BDSM from being tied up to your master's mercy, from lesbian liasons to your deepest fantasies, explore the depths of BDSM.
The second in this alphabet series, `B is for BDSM' features the stories: `Beneath Her', `Beneath Him', `Madame 1: Foreplay', `Josephine: Fantasies and Sensual Evenings 2', `Yukako', `Crude Oil', `Handyman Wanted Part 1', `Nettles', Tie Me Up', `December 19: Tranquility Bay - an erotic Christmas calender', `Peach Delight - Lesbian Erotica', and `Freedom in Bondage'.
LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They're on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it's okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on.
This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Reiner Larsen Wiese, Sandra Norrbin, Julie Jones, Sara Olsson, Christina Tempest, Nina Alvén, Sofia Fritzson, Valery Jonsson, Victoria Pa´zdzierny, Catrina Curant, and Saga Stigsdotter. -
J is for Jawfest - 10 Erotic Short Stories
Saga Stigsdotter, Malva B., Nicolas Lemarin, Christina Tempest, Alexandra Sodergran, Julie Jones, Amanda Backman, Vaness
- 2 Octobre 2023
- 9788727084213
"No kissing, no cuddling, no licking the tip. She just engulfed him completely. She took him all the way to the hilt impressive considering his size then slid her lips all the way up to the head." ´Joyride´
Part of the erotic alphabet series, J is for Jawfest - 10 Erotic Short Stories' is a collection of erotica that might just give you a sore jaw with all the fellatio and blowjobs on offer. From inappropriate job interviews to oral sex in public places, there's a story for everyone.
The tenth instalment in the alphabet series, J is for Jawfest' features stories such as Dangerous Games', The Job Interview', Succubus', Joyride', Tour de Chambre', Student Accommodation' and many more!
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LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They're on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it's okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on.
This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Vanessa Salt, Amanda Backman, Julie Jones, Alexandra Sdergran, Christina Tempest, Nicolas Lemarin, Malva B., and Saga Stigsdotter. -
H is for Hinterland - 10 Erotic Short Stories
Saga Stigsdotter, Sara Agnes L., Julie Jones, Camille Bech, Fabien Dumaitre, Alicia Luz, Chrystelle Leroy
- 18 Septembre 2023
- 9788727091877
"Jack did as he was told, spreading his legs even further, and backed up on all four. Tony never really had to ask him twice to bottom for him. The feeling of Tony's more than sizeable member filling him completely was something he never got tired of." - ´Friends with Benefits: Through Jack's Eyes´
Part of the erotic alphabet series, `H is for Hinterland - 10 Erotic Short Stories' is a collection of erotica which delves into "the land behind" and all things anal, taking its name from the slang term "hinterland" meaning anal and ass-related.
The eighth compilation in the alphabet series, `H is for Hinterland' features stories such as `Sixty-Four', `Crude Oil', `Stephanie, the Voyeur without Inhibitions', `At Your Service!', `Friends with Benefits: Through Jack's Eyes', `Body on Fire' and many more!
LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They're on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it's okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on.
This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Chrystelle LeRoy, Alicia Luz, Fabien Dumaître, Camille Bech, Julie Jones, Sara Agnès L., and Saga Stigsdotter. -
N is for Nature - 13 Erotic Short Stories
Saga Stigsdotter, Catrina Curant, Christina Tempest, Julie Jones, Amanda Backman, Andrea Hansen, Camille Bech, Vanessa S
- 30 Octobre 2023
- 9788727084077
"He looked at her. It was too dangerous. They could so easily get caught. People passing by, park rangers, coppers. No way." - ´Among the Trees´
Part of the erotic alphabet series, `N is for Nature - 13 Erotic Short Stories' is a collection of erotica that finds pleasure in the outdoors. From fantasy romps in forests and rugged summer flings on the farm, to having sex among the trees; nature and the outdoors are calling with some very sexy stories.
The fourteenth instalment in the alphabet series, `N is for Nature' features stories such as `Birthday in Norway, `Among the Trees', `Silent Retreat', `Nettles and Sauna', `The Mayan Ruins', `The Old Summer Farm', and many more!
LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They're on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it's okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on.
This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Malin Edholm, Sarah Skov, Vanessa Salt, Camille Bech, Andrea Hansen, Amanda Backman, Julie Jones, Christina Tempest, Catrina Curant, and Saga Stigsdotter. -
10 ways to raise the temperature - A Collection of Erotica for Surviving Winter
Saga Stigsdotter, Kristiane Hauer, Erika Svensson, Malva B., Sofia Fritzson, Lea Lind, Malin Edholm, Vicktoria Gilles, S
- 20 Novembre 2023
- 9788727090108
"Suddenly his hands are all over her body and she lies down on the sofa with him on top of her. She moans and presses against him. He presses his hips against hers and she can feel how hard he is. He unbuttons her trousers and pulls them down together with her panties. He undresses too and then there is nothing left to keep them apart." - A Spark of Lust
`10 Ways to Raise the Temperature - A Collection of Erotica for Surviving Winter' is an anthology of fiery hot stories that will keep you hot and horny all through winter. From sparks of lust that warm snow-filled days on the ski slopes to steamy Christmas tales. From ringing in the New Year with something sexy to Valentine's Day (arguably the sexiest day of winter), there's a story in this collection for everyone.
This collection includes the stories: `Snow', `The Ski-Flirt', `Nettles and Sauna', `The Merry Widow', `A Fire of Desire', `A Spark of Lust', `A Polyamorous Christmas', `December 25: He Came for Christmas - An Erotic Christmas Calendar', `New Year's Eve', and `Valentine's Night'.
LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They're on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow us to understand that it's okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on.
This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Shailene Craig, Vicktoria Gilles, Katja Slonawski, Malin Edholm, Lea Lind, Sofia Fritzson, Malva B., Kristiane Hauer and Saga Stigsdotter.